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what does frankincense smell like

What Does Frankincense Smell Like? (And 5 Perfumes to Try) - Everfumed |  The World of Fragrances
What Does Frankincense Smell Like? (And 5 Perfumes to Try) - Everfumed | The World of Fragrances
Innovator of materials test laboratories What is that smell? The chemistry behind the seasonal aroma of FrankincenseDecember 15, 2017 by De pine fresh to hot cinnamon, the holiday season is full of delicious and memory aromas. But perhaps one of the most iconic smells of Christmas is that of incense. It is often described as a sweet and woody aroma with lemon notes, incense is an aromatic resin that is extracted from the bark of Boswellia trees. Today, essential oil is used in a variety of products including incense, perfume, candles, and even some skin care products. In addition, the smell often permeates churches as a tribute to their meaning in the history of nativity, as well as other biblical references. But what really gives the incense its unique smell? Well, that's where the analytical tests and the chemical analysis have given a hand of help. Sniffing Out the ScentsLast year, Chemistry World reported that a team of researchers had identified using a unique method. You see, while the classic techniques of analysis, such as fine-layer chromatography and (GC/MS) have wide-range applications, in this case they were not sufficiently sensitive to identify all incense odors; some odors are present in fair trace amounts. Learn how GC/MS analysis can help ensure your product leaves the right impression. —— Learn how GC/MS analysis can help ensure your product leaves the right impression. —As a result, a hybrid technique that uses highly trained noses and chromatography equipment—cromatography-olfactometry—was used for results. "This system divides the output of a gas chromatograph into two different lines: a classic mass spectrometry detector, and an olphate port, where an investigator can smell and, hopefully, identify the aroma of each peak," the article says. "For scientists working in this area, the human nose remains a valuable tool and can be more sensitive to certain odors than laboratory instruments. " As it turns out, the different smell of incense appears to be rooted in trace amounts of two isomers of a rare carboxylic acid, which were identified as cis acid and trans-olybonic acid. "These carboxylic acids are highly potent and substantive odors that occur in ppm amounts in all the incense samples analyzed, even those that show radically different volatile compositions," the summary of the states of researchers. "These cyclophil-derived acids provide the old church note feature as the end of the incense odor." Learn more about Analytical Testing TechniquesAnalytic or chemical test techniques have useful applications in a variety of industries, helping to characterize materials, discover contaminants, identify causes of product failures, develop new products and much more. For more information on test analytics techniques, see our . Filed Under: , Tagged with: , , Leave a comment Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *CommentName * Email * Web Laboratorios Innovatech, LLC13805 1st Ave N, Ste 100 Plymouth, MN 55441 © 2021 ·

Server Error Please try later. Code of Conduct Thread: Thread: How does Frankincenso smell? Asking "How Does Frankincense Smell?" might seem strange to ask from Someone who has burned tons of incense. Before all I could say was "Frankincense smells of incense" that describes absolutely nothing to someone who has never experienced the aroma. After reflecting on the aroma I now say: "Frankincense has a pine smell and lemon combined with a dried wood aroma." Others in this forum would agree with Me? How do you think incense smells? One reason I ask this question is: I have an incense formula in which I want the incense to be the dominant smell. However, no matter how much frank incense I add to the formula that the other smells will not allow the incense to be the dominant fragrance (I cannot reduce or eliminate the other smells for certain reasons that are not the fragrance that are included in the formula). I've tried to add incense CO2 oil and this helps, but not yet. strong enough. Also oil seems to evaporate after some time passes. I've thought of trying an absolute incense. You think that would work? Is it something like "concentrated fire" or "concentrated frank fire" Is there oil? Asking what incense smells like I'm looking for the strongest notes in incense in the hope that it can accentuate it with a stronger resin. Stop. example: If incense smells like pines and lemon, then it could add pines and lemon. Both aromas are much stronger than incense and could increase incense notes in the formula. In conclusion: (1) How do you think incense smells? (2)How can I magnify the incense smell in my formula? Thank you. Re: How does Frankincense smell? You'll have some help understanding what more franking smells like when you look at it. I have also given some thoughts on how you can go creating an aroma of 'burning incense' in a perfume, which began to see if it is present in Aventus. "Battle and champagne creams just in time for dawn. " David Bowie Chris Bartlett Perfumes from the edge . . . Twitter: If you are looking for a perfume consultation I am happy to quote: if you want free advice, which is what these forums are for You can also get more information about perfumes and perfumes. Re: How does Frankincense smell? for the pine side, I would suggest cypress oil. Also, I have found during some experiments that ionone beta can reinforce the smell of olibanum. You could definitely taste the absolute, in my opinion smells more like tears than the essential oil I have. Re: How does Frankincense smell? In my opinion, because the incense tells the oldest best! I keep a 10-year-old incense resin that smells like a newly lit church incense. Resinoids smell much better for me, more resinous as essential oils. The smell of the eo is fresher and has that smell of piney lemon. I was so lucky to get a charabot incense resin. It is thick, sticky, very dark and smells of wet basement, ancient church, earthly, pineapple, coniferous, old wood (Oud ? ) and pepper. There's also something sweet in it, like dark chocolate and caramel. If you want to use aromachemicals, try oxyoctalin and ambroce or both in combination with incense resinoid. Conni Re: How does Frankincense smell? As agreed, I have said something in the individual note thread to that effect: my small remaining amount of 30 year old olybron essential oil is precious and very, very different from fresh things: much more like burning tears. Interesting options on the aromachemical front also - dihydromyrcenol also works as a enhancer, but it has become so omnipresent that maybe it's just a good idea. To lengthen the element dark wood / wood I like northlimbanol: amazing things for longevity. "Battle and champagne creams just in time for dawn. " David Bowie Chris Bartlett Perfumes from the edge . . . Twitter: If you are looking for a perfume consultation I am happy to quote: if you want free advice, which is what these forums are for You can also get more information about perfumes and perfumes. Re: How does Frankincense smell? It was on this board that someone said that incense and rosemary reinforce each other, and I've experienced with that a little. I also have a fragrance oil called Save on Scents's "copal" that smells much more like incense than your F.O. incense. I've never smelled the actual Coptic resin, but maybe that's something to incorporate into your incense? Re: How does Frankincense smell? The use of rosemary makes a perfect sense: they have many elements in common and work well together in fine fragrance. Copal is one of those terms with a blurred meaning - sometimes it is used generically to mean "a resin of hard trees" in which case it might include olibanum, myrrh and others - however it usually means the resin, often incorrectly called a gum, of South American origin and used in traditional ceremonies in some early cultures of SA. It is also sometimes called "Amber Young". Even then, to my knowledge you can refer to several species of trees including Copariflora officinalis, Copaifera guibourthiana and Bureseru microphylla. I have not found essential oil made of any of these but it must work in a way similar to olibanum steam distillation and produce a similar but different oil. I imagine that the resin could also be dyeed, although as I understand it is a subfosil, which could involve solvents that are not just alcohol, such as acetone. Long short story, it must work very well in this context. However, what they are offering is a fragrance oil, so it will be a synthetic imitation, which is fine except that you don't know exactly what has gotten into it and how that could be combined with your other ingredients. "Battle and champagne creams just in time for dawn. " David Bowie Chris Bartlett Perfumes from the edge . . . Twitter: If you are looking for a perfume consultation I am happy to quote: if you want free advice, which is what these forums are for You can also get more information about perfumes and perfumes. Thread Starter Re: How does Frankincense smell? Thanks a lot, Chris and everyone else. Wow! What a lot of information. This is very appreciated. I will experiment with some of these suggestions. Re: How does Frankincense smell? Mmmmmm incense - so wonderful. You could make it smell hotter by adding a small amount of labdanum, I guess. A good frankness smells sweet, like honey, wood, with some notes of lemon. Re: How does Frankincense smell? It is posibul for the ass a bit of incense in perfume oil made of rady so that my perfume lasts a lot. I have a blue franella perfume oil, its good oil, but not much longer. Does incense make him beater? as I have been told he is a good fixer (spashly for citrus perfumes) Re: How does Frankincense smell? There are many different Frankincenses, and they all have different properties. Try to mix several together. Definitely get some Olibanum Absolute. Have you tried to mix some of myrrh or Opoponax in your formula? For a more suffocating effect, "burned", there are a couple of products that are effectively torn apart Olibanum. One called "Vieilles Eglises" that smells like old churches. Re: How does Frankincense smell? David, what is "Olibanum cracked"? Re: How does Frankincense smell? Originally published by David Ruskin For a more suffocating effect, "burned", there are a couple of products that are effectively torn apart Olibanum. One called "Vieilles Eglises" that smells like old churches. For this effect I also recommend trick. I worked for myself! Please all my free formulas Re: How does Frankincense smell? Originally published by Renegade David, what is "Olibanum cracked"? Several resinous materials (including Styrax, Olibanum and Labdanum) can be treated in such a way that they produce a darker version. I don't know how to do it, but it smells like the material has been subjected to an almost destructive distillation (in the same way Cade Oil, Birch Tar and Coal Tar are produced). It is not done to that point, but a rich, dark and definitive suffocating note is produced. Look for "Styrax pyrogene", for example Re: How does Frankincense smell? Sounds fantastic. Re: How does Frankincense smell? David, what Suppliers might suggest I ask you about this type of Olibanum "Vieilles Eglises"? Updated edition: Since Frankincense is a distilled EO, the shortest distillation time, the highest note weighs the oil. On the contrary, the longer the time of distillation, the heavier it will be. The Frankincense Absolute lasts longer than the EO. Resinoid lasts longer, (in all probability). And Frankincense's tears shredded, dissolved, tense (actually Tinctured) last too long. Last edition of pkiler; April 9, 2013 at 11:44 PM. Paul Kiler PK Perfumes In addition to our own PK line, we make custom perfumes, perfumes for entrepreneurs who need aromas for perfumes or products, custom wedding perfumes, and even special event perfumes. Re: How does Frankincense smell? I did some searches on this the other day and found that they offer an essential oil of Olibanum "pygenated", "obtained by the special destructive distillation of the gum of olibanum". There's no description of the smell, but it sounds like what we're talking about. Re: How does Frankincense smell? Renegade, excellent research, thank you! Paul Kiler PK Perfumes In addition to our own PK line, we make custom perfumes, perfumes for entrepreneurs who need aromas for perfumes or products, custom wedding perfumes, and even special event perfumes. Re: How does Frankincense smell? Originally published by Renegade I did some searches on this the other day and found that they offer an essential oil of Olibanum "pygenated", "obtained by the special destructive distillation of the gum of olibanum". There's no description of the smell, but it sounds like what we're talking about. This sounds good, I wonder how it compares to choya loban and I wonder if it would be possible to test a sample. Mark Evans Mark Evans Re: How does Frankincense smell? Payan Bertrand is sending me samples of his pirogenate Olibanum "Vieilles Eglises" Frankincense, Styrax, and some others (some pirogenated too...) that came to the mind of my representative of the USA, when I told him I'm looking for leather stuff for my line. I didn't actually get it on the phone, but we should have met differently, as I already had my address, and I knew about my activity in LinkedIn forums. We also talked about the perfumers of the West Coast of the USA freaking out, Robertet, the Salon events, etc... Very nice Brit guy. Great Frankincenso Smoky, I mean REALLY great Materials have been my search for many years, maybe these will fit into the account. I have to smell a very nice incense in the Los Angeles Natural Products program when Mike Storer and I went a month ago. I really want to give a palm to David and Renegade for helping find this. .. Paul Kiler PK Perfumes In addition to our own PK line, we make custom perfumes, perfumes for entrepreneurs who need aromas for perfumes or products, custom wedding perfumes, and even special event perfumes. Re: How does Frankincense smell? It's a great Paul, I hope you share your impressions with us after you've tried them. Re: How does Frankincense smell? It'll be a few weeks before they receive them, because they send directly from Grasse to California... But, yes, I will share.. Paul Kiler PK Perfumes In addition to our own PK line, we make custom perfumes, perfumes for entrepreneurs who need aromas for perfumes or products, custom wedding perfumes, and even special event perfumes. Re: How does Frankincense smell? I am so glad you have been able to take these materials out to Paul; and I am sorry to have forgotten the supplier of them; PB, of course! Don't build your hopes too high, but I'm sure you'll enjoy them. Re: How does Frankincense smell? I always thought "our." Re: How does Frankincense smell? - Are you talking about the Olibanum Pyrogenado of Payan Bertrand? - Are you talking about the Olibanum Pyrogenado of Payan Bertrand? Paul Kiler PK Perfumes In addition to our own PK line, we make custom perfumes, perfumes for entrepreneurs who need aromas for perfumes or products, custom wedding perfumes, and even special event perfumes. Re: How does Frankincense smell? Originally published by pkiler - Are you talking about the Olibanum Pyrogenado of Payan Bertrand? I have a couple of EO Frankincense. And, for me, the "single note" thread is quite accurate, but with a "sour" overtone. - Are you talking about the Olibanum Pyrogenado of Payan Bertrand? Perfumed oils I'd like to know what the difference is between the perfume oil we're having in the open market and the perfume oil used by potk perfumes Spozo I bought a silver scented and dullute oil in the pure alchol its looks orignal but not diffuser and expands as orignal I can understand that there is a big difference between what the perfume house uses in the product but my room is is posibul to get the same perfume oil in the open market which is used in orignal perfume? Re: How does Frankincense smell? Tallat, your question is not relevant to this Frankincense discussion. If you want to ask a question completely out of another thread, simply start a new thread, and post your question again. Paul Kiler PK Perfumes In addition to our own PK line, we make custom perfumes, perfumes for entrepreneurs who need aromas for perfumes or products, custom wedding perfumes, and even special event perfumes. Re: How does Frankincense smell? Incense has this unique smell that is difficult to describe. It's like wood, musk, dark, smoked, and everything in the middle. It's a little hard to determine. I'm very interested in the smell you're doing. www.luvessentials.com Re: How does Frankincense smell? I have the Payan Bertrand samples today... And the Olibanum pirogenado, (Olibanum pirogenado "Vieilles Eglises"), is not the same as the Frankincenso Choya Loban that I have from Loto Blanco. The PB pirogenado Olibanum "Vieilles Eglises" is very smoked, of course, and is being smelled right now in full boredom, ... it is more oily than the Choya Loban Frank, and less smoked. If we say the oily is wet, the Choya Loban Frank is dryer. And then there's the PB Fumescens product, which is described as a slow destructive distillation of Frankincense, which on the surface seems a lot like the Choya Loban Frank, but again they're different... The PB Fumescens is smoked again, similar but has a pepper note at the top. Instead, the Loban Choyal Frank smells more elegant. There's also a Choya Loban made with Styrax. And since PB sent me a sample of his Styrax Pirogenate, I'll also compare them. Time to leave momentarily... I'm surrounded by SMOKE... of course, it doesn't help me put this in my arms, clean... The PB Pirogenated Styrax is smoked, but not as much as the Choya Loban Stryax, which is almost pure smoke... The Pirogenated Styrax PB is much warmer, amber and even... I also like... They sent three more, a Processed Davana, which is under help. But perhaps because of the intensity of these pyrogenous elements, it should be re-evaluated later... And also Ambernote, and Cistus Oil Concentrated Extra. These are also very nice, not very, but some smoked, and more along the lines that you would expect from their names, though still nicely different from them. All odors made well, which is very strong, and diluted versions will lead to more matted assessments later. .. Paul Kiler PK Perfumes In addition to our own PK line, we make custom perfumes, perfumes for entrepreneurs who need aromas for perfumes or products, custom wedding perfumes, and even special event perfumes. Similar breads Publication permits About BasenotesBasenotes is an online guide for perfume and fragrance, with , , , and more. Quick Links Find by CardRandom Fragrance

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